Datapac awarded €11M ICT Government contract and creates 15 new jobs
Datapac announces that it has been awarded an €11m ICT consumables contract by the Office of Government Procurement. The two year contract, with an option of a further 12 months extension, will allow Datapac to grow its business and create 15 new jobs.
Established in 1982, Datapac provides an extensive range of technology solutions and services from its offices in Dublin, Wexford and Belfast, to private and public sector organisations throughout Ireland. This new contract follows a strong start to 2014 for Datapac, enabling it to make a strategic decision to grow its business. The new jobs will be based across all of Datapac’s locations and 10 of the roles will be created this year, with the additional 5 positions being created over the following two years. The new positions will include sales, marketing and logistics roles.
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) is part of the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform. It has been tasked with centralising public sector procurement arrangements for common goods and services.
Datapac was awarded the contract based on its proven ability to deliver a seamless customer experience and sustainable cost savings across a vast range of ICT consumable products. In 2012, Datapac was awarded an €8M contract by the National Procurement Service to provide a similar range of services. This new contract will see Datapac provide a more comprehensive portfolio of technologies and consumables to the public sector.
Speaking at the awarding of the contract Brian Hayes T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with special responsibility for the Office of Government Procurement (OGP), said, “The award of this contract to Datapac, a wholly Irish owned SME, is a perfect example of an Irish SME successfully competing for government business. We want to see more SMEs competing for larger State contracts – both at home and abroad. SMEs success at this level is key to securing a sustainable and durable recovery for Ireland.”
Patrick Kickham, director, Datapac, said, “Procurement is an essential part of the Government’s public service reform agenda and we are delighted to play our part in helping them to achieve sustainable cost savings and improved operational efficiency. This contract allows us to grow Datapac further, adding up to fifteen new people to the team over the next two years, and making further investments in our business and technology portfolio.”
Clara Quigley, sales manager, Datapac, said, “We have invested significant time, energy and capital to enhance our service delivery capabilities in Datapac, including an online ordering system which is second-to-none in Ireland. We look forward to being able to extend our product lines and services further with this new contract from the OGP. It is a fantastic endorsement of the technologies, structures and people we have here in Datapac.”
In addition to employing a team of 170 highly-skilled people, Datapac also provides further support for the Irish economy by working closely with a wide range of suppliers and contractors throughout Ireland.
Speaking about the launch, Government Chief Procurement Officer, Paul Quinn stressed that, “Our goal is to make it easier for business to engage with public procurement while at the same time driving improved value for money for the taxpayer. The Office of Government Procurement is committed to ensuring that SMEs are fully engaged in the new model. We will bring consistency to how the public service procures. There will be greater standardisation of tendering documentation and contractual terms. These improvements will reduce tendering costs and risks and reduce barriers to public procurement by SMEs.”
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"At Barretstown, we rebuild the lives of children, and their families, affected by childhood cancer and other serious illnesses. We serve 5,000 campers a year and have 1200 volunteers each year. Communication is crucially important and Datapac has helped us to streamline, improve and ensure efficiency."
"Datapac has provided us with a fantastic product and world-class levels of service and support. Whenever people ask me about our experience with Datapac I’m always ready to sing their praises and I would happily recommend their services to any organisation."
"For many years Datapac has been our sole supplier for the maintenance of Personal Computers and Peripherals in Ireland. Through their Service Centres in Wexford and Dublin, Datapac provides excellent support to our businesses throughout the country and consistently meets the SLA targets which we have set. The skill, expertise and experience of their engineers and other technical support personnel are of the highest standard."
“The value of dealing with an HP Gold partner in this process can’t be underestimated. Datapac provide us with a local touch and can cover the full range of our IT requirements, but when there is a specific technical requirement like this, they can bring the specialist technical resources of HP to the table. HP and Datapac had a thorough discussion with us around our requirement - and had really done their homework - and then were able to provide us with a very highly specified test platform for us to prove the application on before we committed to purchase.”
Datapac understands our needs and requirements and has the expertise and experience to follow through on all our requests. Our constant need to reduce costs has been assisted by Datapac's ability to suggest alternative solutions and methods whilst improving both efficiency and productivity. Our partnership with Datapac is akin to having an IT department on site that we simply could not provide ourselves.